Ye Olde Salutation Inn

Ye Olde Salutation Inn



NG1 7 AA



Ye Olde Salutation Inn is built on the site of the old ale house called ‘Archangel Gabriel Salute the Virgin Mary’, it is said to be one of the oldest buildings before it was a pub it was a dwelling belonging to a John Alastre.

In the 1640’s during the English Civil War the 2 downstairs rooms was used by Cromwells soldiers as recruiting rooms to recruit new soldiers.

For a few years after the Civil war the inn was renamed to the soldier and citizen but reverted back to its original name in 1660.


Reported Activity

A highwayman is suspected of haunting the inn. Also a former landlord who took his own life due to stress of running a pub.

The caves under the pub are said to be haunted by a four year old girl.

Tall dark figure getting up close to people’s faces.

Intelligent responses using equipment and footsteps and movement heard on EVP devices.

A street urchin has been seen carrying roses.

An old landlord called john is said to enjoy flicking the lights in the cellar.

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